Social Sessions
Journal Editors meeting. Journal Editors meeting for special issue publication will be held. We have so far contacted four international journals. The Editor-in-Chiefs and the Guest Editors will discuss the topics and the selection criteria of the papers in the special issue.
Student Programs
To better organize, manage and develop a great student program in Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia, we plan to set a Student Committee under the leadership of the Conference Organization Committee. The concrete Student Programs and additional information are listed below:
1. International Student Fellowship Program
The Student Committee has authority to organize an exchange program. We will provide space and necessary financial support for their activities. This program can better facilitate communication among students from different backgrounds, disciplines, and countries.
2. Training Courses for Students
We will organize a series of education and training courses for registered students on Sunday. Every student should decide whether to attend the training courses during online registration. We promise some famous experts and professors to be invited to these courses. This will provide a golden opportunity for students to have close contact and face-to-face communication with these leading professors.
3. Student Practical Design Competition Program
Students are encouraged to take part in the Student Practical Design Competition program. We, together with ISC and Student Committee, will select 9 students to present their work in this plenary session. These students are also encouraged to bring widgets, small-scale mockups, or recorded videos to the conference for booth show during the conference. An adjudication panel will be invited to choose the Student Competition Award winner and to present the award at the Closing Ceremony.
Virtual Conference
Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia is planned to be organized as a safe physical and face-to-face conference. We ensure a safe event and will take all necessary measures and we will follow government guidelines, so that the conference can take place in a safe way.
However, in the case of force majeure (e.g. travelling to China is not allowed by the authorities, social distancing puts a limit on the allowed participants below the threshold set, conferences are not allowed, etc.), we may need to prepare for Plan B. For example, we may switch to an online, or a hybrid alternative, i.e., online for those in outside of mainland China but face-to-face for the Chinese participants. If so, we will design an open internet platform for Conference Live Online.